We are drawn into images by the sharpness of eye contact, eye contact transcends the initial view of the image and allows us to establish that personal connection. This course will show you four methods of how to make eyes look amazing in Photoshop. You will need to know how to work with layers and layer masks in Photoshop.
    Se sei qui sei molto fortunato, si perchè ho deciso finalmente di svelarti i SEGRETI di Creative Shadows (guarda il promo per capire cosa OTTERRAI a Fine Corso! ) La modella si scioglierà vedendo il risultato e tu sarai il suo mito I tuoi colleghi rosicheranno , perchè non ne sono capaci Gli altri fotografi ti stimeranno e ti odieranno allo stesso tempo Ti divertirai a capire come, grazie ai miei trucchi , sia semplice ottenere il risultato per te Sei pronto a tutto questo? Bene, perchè ho trovato la formula per insegnartelo Oltre 10.142 Allievi ai miei corsi per oltre 42.778 classi attive, con oltre 1042 recensioni determinano la qualità del Corso al quale ti stai per iscrivere, uno dei migliori in assoluto. Tecnica di scatto Gestione modella De Briefing In generi fotografici quali Studio Topless Lingerie Nudo Artistico Utilizzando la mia performante tecnica #strobist di luce off-camera con qualche trucchetto aggiuntivo Già più di 700 iscritti su altre piattaforme , che aspetti a prendertelo qui dove puoi avere il corso anche offline tramite App e vedertelo offline sul tuo Apple iPhone , iPad o Android ? Non vedo l'ora di averti in classe, altri Studenti hanno già iniziato a creare le loro creative shadows e tu? A presto Mauro El Maui Prelli
      ** Voted by students as one of Udemy's outstanding instructors of 2014 ** Follow me on live photo sessions with individuals, couples, 'fuller figure' subjects, young and older siblings and large and extended families and watch how I pose them to overcome their natural tendencies to sit or stand like statues and to get some great portraits. Real life indoor and outdoor photo sessions Warts and all posing i.e. some of them don't quite work, and I say why! Mostly non-model real live people, like you and me, Create beautiful family photos by getting your lovely subjects into more natural, relaxed and flattering positions.. Practice the easy steps in this course and it will pay huge dividends in your portraits PDF crib sheets are available for most of lectures, keep them with you Models aside, the majority of us are not aware of our natural and unconscious body positions and so we don't usually present ourselves as well as we might. For example, most of us tend not to be concerned with where or how we place our hands and arms, tilt our heads, or position our feet. This course shows how I handle that problem, and how I position and pose people to get great results. Posing is a powerful skill that will transform your portraits, not only can you copy the ones demonstrated in the videos, but understanding the general basic dynamics of a good pose, will help you to create your own. Each video has a short introduction and summary of the photo session that just took place, it's then followed by the live photo session. Downloads are ENABLED for this course! This is a brand new course so no reviews yet Modesty almost forbids me publishing some comments about my teaching style, taken from reviews of my other two courses, but I overcame that, so here they are:- Bernie is really easy to listen to, and his videos were really entertaining and kept you listening. (I also like his accent!) Many online courses suffer from over prepared, monotonic boring voice overs but Bernie's style is a bit like having your mate round to show you how to do something. This even goes to leaving some bloopers in which makes it human and fun. Bernie is a hoot! He knows his material, presents it well, and is witty to boot. It's a great combination in a teacher. I love Bernie's approach. Such a great instructor, Bernie is an excellent teacher and his enthusiasm for photography is contagious. Bernie is a fantastic tutor, Love it, love it, love it!!
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        This course will enable you to take wonderful pictures of your newborn, at your own home and will teach you everything that you have to know about preparation before the shooting, how to get proper light, how to pose your newborn and even easy postproduction of your images. Have fun and enjoy the course and your photos!
          Welcome to the complete Portrait Photography for Beginners course! We are so excited to help you take better portraits. If you're a relatively new photographer, this is the perfect portrait photography course to help you with this new skill! You'll learn everything you need to know to take better portraits with any camera - DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, or point-and-shoot. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN: Start with our 6 tips to photographing better portraits: Choose a better background and compose your shot Lighting your portraits Properly and creatively expose your photo Play with depth of field Think about colors Interacting and posing your subject You'll learn portrait photography with real world demonstrations! Join Will Carnahan, professional photographer and instructor, in a full demonstration to see how you can use our 6 tips in real life. Learn how to edit your portraits to look even better! Use free and professional photo editing apps on your phone, tablet, or computer. You'll learn how to use different apps to professionally make your portraits look even better. Share your photos on social media! Get modern tips for sharing your photos on Instagram and Facebook. Use these tips to advance your professional photography career - if that's what your goal is! COURSE BONUSES: Downloadable photos to practice editing with Tips for how to shoot weddings, headshots, and family portraits Premium support from your instructors WHY TAKE THIS COURES FROM US: So, why should take this course from us? There are plenty of portrait photography courses to choose from. But we believe that we've created a course that can truly help you take better portraits in less time. Video School Online has created some of the best selling online photography courses, and we always strive to help you learn new skills in a fun and engaging way! Lastly, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee! Try out this course, and see if you like it. There's absolutely no risk! We can't wait to see you in the course!
            Featured Review: "It is just perfect, we have a lot of well explained information with lots of samples and also the PDF... just get it trust me." Thank you Carlos Albert Martinez Gomez! Welcome to our course “Posing Like A Pro: Create Your Best Portraits Ever”! This is Part 1 of our posing series and is a ‘classroom’ style course, covering the 200 page eBook 'Posing Like A Pro'. Make sure you download the PDF from lecture 4! I will talk through examples of great poses, bad poses, and things to look for - all supported by images and assignments from the book. It's the perfect precursor to Part 2 of our posing series: "The Ultimate Posing Flow", which is a live photography studio session, showing you how to implement the poses with real models. Here we focus more on the "do's" than the "don'ts" Why did I make this course? Whilst teaching workshops I realized that most of the attending photographers were really savvy about photography techniques and new technology but would freeze when they had to pose the Model or would run out of ideas very quickly. Nine times out of ten we had the following scenario: Student talking to the Model: “Do this! Do something completely different! OK good, let’s go somewhere else”. Me to the Student: “Why don’t you finetune the pose or develop it further?” Student: “Well, I don’t know how….I don’t know anything about posing!” So, that’s when I realized 2 things: First: It was time to write my own book about posing to really break things down as much as possible! And Second: Why not also turn this book into a tutorial so I could demonstrate all those poses and scenarios? Because THIS way my photography students could take the book with them to their shoots (for some guidance and reference) AND also watch me demonstrating all those poses (plus seeing overlaid images to understand even better why some poses work and some don’t) So, let me tell you a few things about “Posing Like A Pro”: In this course you will learn ALL the THEORY about posing STEP-BY-STEP. You will learn to design poses that flatter your Model and your Client. You will understand the importance of animating the Model’s body and why it’s critical to the Success of Storytelling . Being a great Portrait Photographer means being able to create memorable images continuously AND on the spot. And this is exactly the No. 1 WORRY for many new (and even intermediate) photographers: How can you guarantee your Model or Clients these amazing images, that make them look like a million dollars - time after time after time? (And without that you need to freak out!) This is why you will learn the following: How to Evaluate Your Location / Your Subject / Your Lenses How to Create Great Shooting Concepts How to Pose the Body to Look Effortlessly Slim How to Pose Your Model’s Hands in Flattering Ways How to Use Props to Enhance Your Story Learn the Difference Between Male and Female Posing How to Pose People with Weight Issues Learn about the Importance of the Right Light What to Do When Your Mind Goes Blank Why Different Photographic Styles Demand Different Posing And So Much More! At the end of “Posing Like A Pro” you will be able to flow through the poses, without your client looking stiff or unnatural and without your mind ever going blank. You will know all the tricks to accentuate your subject’s best features whilst integrating location, lighting and communication. Also - Our little assignments will help you to practice your photography skills actively to really deepen your understanding of pro and cons of certain poses. AND: In your course materials in Section 2 (Lecture 4) and again in the final Lecture, you will find a link to your own copy of “Posing Like A Pro” e-book (which includes even more secrets: For example the “7- ingredients-recipe” for producing outstanding photography!) Intrigued? Ready to Create Your Best Portraits Ever? Go ahead and watch our previews or - if you want to learn all our tricks right now: Enroll into “Posing Like A Pro” and let’s get started in creating your own posing flow! See you soon! Sandy _________________________ Some reviews: "I really enjoyed Sandy's course, friendly explained the "how-to" and "why" with no bla-bla (means: not boring) to get the most flattering pictures of/for your clients. I think it covers everything for posing as summary of the greatest books about posing out there. Additionally you get the whole thing as PDF inside the course to download. Very professional, highly recommended !" - Peter Leinfellner "amazing explanation and a phenomenal instructor" - Lisa Dubinsky "What a fantastic set of material from someone who clearly has a lot of experience photographing all kinds of people and models. I love how Sandy clearly explains each topic and is very easy to follow and implement. Seems like a lot of instructors talk very high level, but she goes into each detail about posing, and has done a lot of research on the matter. Highly recommended." - Will Perez
              Featured Review: "It was definitely a good match. I am trying to set up my own home studio and it is the second course I take with her. I love how clearly she explain things with German accent and easy going smiling kind manners. I am learning a lot cause when I don't have a professional model but a couple, or a mum or kids or families, it is not so easy for me to pose them :) this course helps to still get the images you want" - Alexandra Grippa Hi and Welcome to our course The Ultimate Posing Flow For Portrait Photographers! This is Part 2 of our posing series "Posing Like A Pro" - join us in the photography studio for live sessions where we put everything you learned in Part 1 into practice! Or if you already have a little experience, then jump right in here. BONUS: Includes PDF sheets with almost 1500 poses for you to download and take to your shoots! Also: Closed Captions are available! In our photo studio we have led over 50 photography workshops so far, specializing in creating conceptual photoshoots. And knowing how to pose a model or client is a big part of a successful shoot. I realized that most of my students were really savvy about photography techniques and new technology but started to freeze when they had to pose the model. One of the most important skills that you will need to develop as a portrait photographer is being able to direct your subjects into the right pose. It will make your model or client feel natural, and your photography session will flow. At the end of this course, you will know how to pose your clients and models for the most flattering pictures. If you watched my tutorial ‘posing like a pro’ or if you have already learned the foundations of posing for portrait photography,  this course takes those lessons even further by bringing you into my studio where you can watch how I put it all together into a real shoot to create the ‘posing flow’. To give you a real life experience, I will show you how I work with a model versus a couple that never stood in front of the camera. None of the shoots are rehearsed with the exception that I briefed our model Rebecca to bring some different wardrobe items for variety. This means you will see realistic posing problems and questions that your client or model might have, and how I communicate with them to bring them into the right pose. The entire tutorial is shot from my point of view, so you are more than just a fly on the wall - you see everything almost exactly as if you were behind the camera! Each time I take a shot, the image is overlaid so you can see the result straight away. There is no post production on them - they are ‘SOOC’ - straight out of camera with the exception that they are cropped in ACR. Sometimes I’ve also adjusted the white balance because different styles of image look best when they are warmer or cooler in tone. In this course you will learn: How to pose models and clients - females, males, and couples. Standing vs sitting poses, and tips for slimming bigger clients How to quickly create different styles to offer more variety and enhanced sales: from headshots, beauty, dreamy, fashion, edgy, and more. Getting creative with concepts such as my trademark ‘lying on the floor’ setup How to modify your communication style for experienced models vs regular clients How to create an amazing experience and have fun while still getting the shot One point to keep in mind as I will be covering a lot of detail that may seem impossible to get right all the time: don’t worry about the perfect pose, because it’s hard even for “super-pros” to achieve a “100%” perfect result - and if in doubt it’s always ‘Emotions Over Posing”. However if you are interested in knowing why a client maybe didn’t buy certain images due to things they didn’t like about themselves then our tutorial will tell you all about how you can best flatter your client. This course is for the beginner to intermediate portrait photographer who is looking for a practical hands on approach to learning how to create a posing flow so that they will never run out of ideas again! So if you are interested in seeing me in action, go ahead and watch some previews! Or if you want to develop your posing flow to the highest standard: Enroll now and let’s get started in creating your best pictures ever! See you soon! P.S : Closed Captions are available, so you can either listen or read (or both) to my posing instructions! Have fun!
                Featured Reviews: "One of the best courses on Udemy. Instructor is highly knowledgeable and teaches many applicable concepts at perfect pace that you can implement immediately to start taking better pictures. I will definitely be getting other courses by Sandy Dee in the future." - Aaron Carlson "Well organized, clear instruction and experienced instructor. This is one of the best photographic instruction teams on Udemy." - John Harrop WELCOME TO: "The Ultimate Recipe For Taking Amazing Portraits Every Time!" - A new tutorial in our portrait photography series! In this course you will learn EVERYTHING there is to know about portraiture and how to flatter your models and clients in the best possible way! From Posing to Lighting to Storytelling: Learn our seven SPECIAL ingredients and master your photography workflow - LIKE A PRO! Have you ever looked at images on Instagram or 500 pix or Flickr and wondered: "Why are these portraits so amazing?" And not only that: Days, weeks, or even months go by... but - you can't stop thinking about these photographs!! Was it the lighting, the pose, the expression...? You can't tell…. Which ingredients made such pictures so unforgettable? Why do they "stick" in your head? And how can you amaze your clients and models in a similar way??? You keep wondering: "I have great (maybe even expensive) gear. I know my camera inside out. I know how to shoot in manual mode. I am a wizard with lighting... so - what am I missing here?" Somehow - you feel your images don't live up to their potential. Or - maybe SOMETIMES they turn out quite nicely. :-) But then other times - not so much. :-( And you don't just wonder HOW you can achieve this "Wow" factor in your images... But: How can you create this "WOW" factor WITH CONSISTENCY? Could there be a specific secret? Or something like a "recipe" for great portraits? I am here to tell you: Yes, there is! Welcome to our SPECIAL ingredients recipe . The only RECIPE you need to know to create amazing images - time after time after time!! We all know that photography is waaaaay more complicated than "just" pressing the shutter button! There are so many things that potentially turn a photoshoot into a disaster. If you want to know how to turn struggle into success - then you are at the right place: In this course you will learn: Posing from head to toe - learn how to flatter your model in every situation Learn to tell the right story for your image How to brief your client and model Identify your shooting style Understand the "who / where / when / what and why" of your image How to come up with exciting concepts Find the right composition for your image How to create airy exposures for dreamy images Everything you need to know about flattering lighting How to shape your model with shadow The importance of the ambient feel of your image Popular mistakes - and how to avoid them Tips on the right editing My biggest secret: How to flatter everybody with ONE simple trick And so much more! At the end of this course (and with a little practice) - you will cook up the most delicious portraits - like a MASTER PHOTOGRAPHY CHEF! You will WOW your clients every time - While shooting with ease. And most importantly: While having confidence in yourself and: While having fun! If you want to know how to create amazing portraits...Enroll now! I am looking forward to teaching you all my tricks! Happy Shooting!
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                  This is a course for those who wish to understand how to safely and most creatively explore: Underwater performance, modeling & mermaid-ing; Designing underwater photography concepts. Whether you’re a mermaid performer, a studio photographer, model or just booked your first underwater shoot and want to look great in your photos, this course show you how to create and perform underwater. As an underwater performer and art director, for the past 3 years, my work has embodied the idea that ocean conservation is a human issue. My ARTivism campaigns have been featured by National Geographic, KQED, FStoppers and more. This eCourse is the synthesis of everything I know now and wished I’d known when I was first starting out. I would love for you to come with me to through my underwater photography process . Learn how I message for conservation campaigns and conceptualize for underwater shoots. You'll also learn my 3 step underwater performance framework of 'Center,' 'Surrender' and 'Flow,' that will allow you to access deep meditative flow states through underwater movement. If you have a message, a story to tell, then come dive in with me to the realm of creating ethereal otherworldly art through underwater imagery.
                    Portrait Pro Crash Course è il primo VideoCorso completo in Italiano su questo potente software. Mauro Prelli, già autore del corso di successo attualmente più venduto al mondo sui Nik Software, propone per te una soluzione completa partendo da zero. Dalla prima accensione, dalla spiegazione dei pannelli partendo da un utilizzo semplice fino ad un uso evoluto del Software per ottenere modifiche al corpo in maniera semplice e credibile . Alla fine del Corso sarai in grado di replicare con velocità e semplicità il mio flusso di lavoro, conoscendo alla perfezione gli strumenti più importanti. Te lo spiego in modo semplice , capitolo per capitolo, in modo tale da rendere ancora più utilizzabile uno dei migliori e più potenti Software sul mercato del "body sculpt" . Otterrai delle splendide immagini partendo da corpi non perfetti, rendendo felici sia i soggetti fotografati che i clienti per i quali lavori. Risparmierai molto tempo e potrai davvero realizzare immagini ad alto impatto anche quando la lente grandangolare, oppure l'inquadratura non lo consente. Il Corso è diviso in capitoli, chiari, semplici e diretti per ogni pannello di Portrait Pro. Compreso nell'acquisto avrai un' assistenza a vita nel mio Gruppo di Supporto Facebook. Gurdati i capitoli gratuiti direttamente da questa pagina e ricorda che hai diritto alla GARANZISSIMA , la garanzia offerta dal Maui che ti permette di provare il Corso senza spendere nulla. GARANZISSIMA è soddisfatto o rimborsato entro 30gg Nessuna domanda, nessun problema. Ti restituirò l'intero importo se non sarai soddisfatto. Provarlo non ti costa nulla, non provarlo può farti perdere molto tempo invece. Ti aspetto in classe _Maui